Since most mortgage companies offer the same loan products, you need to use SWOT to determine your differentiation from competitors. If it`s just something mundane like low rates, you need to do some creative thinking.
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Changes to the Dow Jones industrial average mean that for the first time, half of its 30 companies are not primarily in the business of mining or of making physical objects.
Before the United States ever took action at the federal level (at the request of the plastics industry, not environmental groups, mind you), Canada and a number of US state legislatures began doing so. ... but I also thought that the varied legislative paths experienced in US states offered the opportunity for a natural experiment testing the effects of media coverage about BPA on whether US state legislatures considered or adopted bans on products made with BPA.
Bank regulators should allow businesses legal under state law to have access to normal banking services (checking accounts and credit-card processing) to avoid the robbery risks created by a large all-cash industry. .... accounts – unless they conceal their identity from their financial institutions by calling themselves “flower shops” or “natural products suppliers” or “herbalists” or some such, or maintaining what are in fact business accounts under personal names.
Since most mortgage companies offer the same loan products, you need to use SWOT to determine your differentiation from competitors. If it`s just something mundane like low rates, you need to do some creative thinking.
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